Johnson Hindin Genealogy
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1858 - 1897
Born |
21 Sep 1858 |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
30 Nov 1897 |
Person ID |
I9042 |
Johnson Hindin Tree |
Last Modified |
19 Dec 2018 |
Family |
Eleanor A. ASHCOM, b. 11 Sep 1863, Snake Spring Twp., PA , d. 17 Sep 1939 |
Married |
9 Jul 1884 |
Millwood Grange, Bedford Co., Pennsylvania [1] |
Children |
Family ID |
F3553 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- The following obituary was published in the Everett Press on December 3, 1897:
In last week's Press we noted the departure for the state of Colorado of Capt. Eli Eichelberger and Mrs. S. B. Thatcher, who were summoned to the bedside of thier brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Gibson who was suffering with Bright's Disease. Word reached Everett on Wednesday morning that Mr. Gibson had died at two o'clock that morning. Mr. Gibson, it will be remembered was the gentleman, together with his family, who spent the summer in Everett and were the guests at the Ashcom home, corner of Main and Hopewell streets. Mrs. Gibson, nee Miss Ella Ashcom, is a sister of Miss Eliza Ashcom and Mrs. Thatcher. On October 4th, the Gibsons left for their western home at Pueblo, Colorado, where Mr. Gibson has been the cashier of the American National Bank. Soon after their arrival there he took sick and grew worse until death came. As quick as arrangements could be made the body was embalmed and the family and friends started for Everett, who are expected to arrive here on Saturday morning's train, just two months to the very day from which they departed. The funeral services will be held at one o'clock, Rev. J. Patton Moore, officiating. The interrment [sic] will be made in the Ashcom lot in Everett cemetery.
The publishers and employees of the Press have many pleasant recollections of Mr. Gibson as he was almost a daily visitor in their sanctum during his stay n Everett. He was always jovial and pleasant and it was with sadness they pen his obituary so soon. Mr. Gibson leaves a widow and son, Robert, Jr. and daughter, Helen.