Johnson Hindin Genealogy
Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.
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Matches 1 to 50 of 3604
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1 |
According to a letter dated October 2002 from Stephanie Schnaubelt Cipriani. | Family: F139
2 |
According to Janet Houston Rhein, Jane Smyth and Robert ? witnessed James'
and Nancy's marriage. | Family: F698
3 |
According to Janet Houston Rhein, Robert Gilmore and William Wilson were
the witnesses at the marriage. | Family: F133
4 |
According to Janet Houston Rhein, the witnesses to the marriage were
Matthew Woodburn and A. Smyth. | Family: F340
5 |
According to Joan L. Markel, in correspondence dated September 12, 2002, summarizing a telephone call to the Cambria County Courthouse, whose records showed the divorce of John and Sarah "Ascum" on May 25, 1874. | Family: F484
6 |
According to Jordan, John W., "A Century and a Half of Pittsburg and Her
People," v. III, Lewis Publishing Company (1908), Johann and Clara were
married on March 20, 1889. | Family: F270
7 |
According to the 1940 Census, Gilbert was married to a woman named Frances. | Family: F5847
8 |
According to the LDS International Genealogical Index, citing the Marriage records, 1845-1870, with indexes to marriages, 1845-1921, in the General Registry Office of Ireland, Robert and Jane were married on March 5, 1849 in Ireland (no town given). | Family: F344
9 |
According to the marriage records of the First Garvagh Presbyterian
Church, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland, obtained from The Genealogy
Centre, Heritage Library, 14 Bishop Street, Derry, N. Ireland, BT4869W,
John Wilson (Martha's father) and John Woodburn Wilson (Martha's brother)
were witnesses at Hugh and Martha's marriage. | Family: F100
10 |
Couple married by Rev. James Gilmour, Boveedy, uncle to Nancy Knox | Family: F3165
11 |
Have 5 children | Family: F3105
12 |
Henry Young and Stephanna McClay were married at 25 Granville Street,
Pittsburgh, PA. | Family: F101
13 |
The following death notice was apparently published on October 31, 2001 in the Hershey Patriot News, and was transcribed and available on FindAGrave.com in 2014:
M. Doris Fry, 83, of Outlook Pointe at Mechanicsburg, formerly of Hummelstown, died Tuesday in Outlook Pointe.Â
She was a member of St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church, Hershey, and the PP&L Live Wires and a former volunteer at Holy Spirit Hospital.Â
She was the widow of Robert Leach and M.L. "Chubb" Fry. Surviving are a brother, Ronald Corl of Windber; two sisters, Jean Ripple of Camp Hill and Gail Roth of Johnstown; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.Â
Hoover Funeral Home, Hershey
Harrisburg Patriot News 31 Oct 2001 | Family: F5590
14 |
The following obituary appeared in the Cumberland Evening Times (Cumberland, Maryland) on February 15, 1909:
Death of Mrs. Ashcom
Mrs. Mary G. Ashcom, wife of the late Wesley Ashcom, and mother of of Mrs. Wm. A. Lauder, general manager of Riddlesburg furnance, on the Huntingdon and Broad Top railroad, died at Riddlesburg Saturday morning, aged 87 years. Deceased leaves one son and four daughters. The funeral will take place at Everett tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. | Family: F637
15 |
The following story was published in the Altoona Tribune on April 20, 1916:
Special to the Tribune.
Everett, April 19--Coolidge Ashcom Eichelberger, of Everett, and Miss Alice Coonley, of Altamont, N. Y., were married at high noon today at the . Eichelberger home, at this place by Rev. R. J. Allen, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. They were attended by Miss Helen V. Gibson, also of Everett, and Dr. Charles Francis Voorhees, of Palmyra, N. Y., the latter couple then being united in marriage by Rev. Allen. The double ceremony was attended only by immediate families of the couples, owing to the recent death of Captain Eichelberger, father of Mr. Coolidge Eichelberger and uncle of Miss Gibson. After a wedding dinner they left on an eastern trip. Dr. and Mrs. Voorhees will reside in Palmyra. The Elchelbergers will return to this place, the groom being superintendent of the Eichelberger mines in the Broad Top region. | Family: F3379
16 |
The following story was published in the Altoona Tribune on April 20, 1916:
Special to the Tribune.
Everett, April 19--Coolidge Ashcom Eichelberger, of Everett, and Miss Alice Coonley, of Altamont, N. Y., were married at high noon today at the . Eichelberger home, at this place by Rev. R. J. Allen, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. They were attended by Miss Helen V. Gibson, also of Everett, and Dr. Charles Francis Voorhees, of Palmyra, N. Y., the latter couple then being united in marriage by Rev. Allen. The double ceremony was attended only by immediate families of the couples, owing to the recent death of Captain Eichelberger, father of Mr. Coolidge Eichelberger and uncle of Miss Gibson. After a wedding dinner they left on an eastern trip. Dr. and Mrs. Voorhees will reside in Palmyra. The Elchelbergers will return to this place, the groom being superintendent of the Eichelberger mines in the Broad Top region. | Family: F5850
17 |
The witnesses to the marriage were Margaret A. Wilson and Robert Gilmer
(Gilmore?). | Family: F697
18 |
The witnesses to the marriage were Robert Woodburn and Martha Dripps. | Family: F675
19 |
The witnesses to their marriage were John C. Huston and Robert Huston. | Family: F682
20 |
This according to the 1900 census. | Family: F68
21 |
John and his wife Clarinda (Clara) moved to California in 1875 to work for a cousin. In 1876, they resided in Yreka, Siskiyou Co., CA. They ended up taking care of horses for a stage coach station named "Starve-Oat". They moved back to Sugar Grove after eight years. They purchased a farm across from Clara's parents and lived in a log cabin until they could build a house.
John was a soldier in the Civil War. | John Gilbert Parkhurst ABBOT
22 |
According to the memorial on Find a Grave (findagrave.com), Maxine Abraham was first married to William Ellis Swasey. They divorced and she later married Harry Jenkins. Harry died and she married third, Ernie Kuntz. She was a nurse (R.N.) and mother of one son. While she divorced Bill Swasey before his death in 1960, she remained very much a part of the Swasey family after Bill's death. Harry and then later Ernie just became our uncles, too. She is buried next to Ernie in the Woodland Cemetery. | Maxine Mildred Abraham
23 |
| Margaret M. Ackerman
24 |
All information regarding Barbara was obtained from a public member tree on Ancestry.com (2012). | Barbara Irene Ackley
25 |
Jacob's given name may have been "Ida S." The name "Jacob" is shown on his daughter Esther's death certificate. | Jacob ADLER
26 |
Aelfthryth's name is alternatively Ælfthryth, Elftrude, or Elfrida.
Aelfthryth (d. 929) was the third and last child of Alfred the Great, the Saxon King of England.
She married Baldwin II (d. 918), Count of Flanders. One of their descendents, Matilda of Flanders (d. 1083), would go on to marry William the Conqueror, therefore starting the Anglo-Norman line of Kings of England. Through her descendant, Henry I of England, she is also a direct anscestor of the current monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Elizabeth II.
| Aelfthryth, von Wessex
27 |
The following is a portion of the obituary that appeared in The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star, Norfolk, Virginia on December 26, 2007 and was available on the website of the funeral home that handled his arrangements at www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com in 2013:
Herbert Winfield Akers (age 80)
Authority on Business Mail Management
Herbert Winfield Akers, nationally recognized expert on business mail management, passed away on Monday, January 8, 2007 at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, MD after a long illness. He was born in Hampton, VA, grew up in Norfolk and served in the United States Army Air Corps in 1945. He also worked in the import/export shipping business and held a Customhouse Broker's License. He joined Pitney-Bowes in 1956 as a salesman and served in various management positions during an 18-year career, including Manager of Government Sales in Washington, DC. In 1974 he joined the U.S. Postal Service at its headquarters in Washington, DC as a customer programs manager in the Marketing Department. During his 15-year career with the USPS he managed the Postmaster General's Mailer's Technical Advisory Committee. He was the author of two widely respected books on business mail management and a nationally sought-after speaker on the subject. Mr. Akers was an accomplished woodworker and authored several published articles on woodworking. In addition, he enjoyed traveling, gourmet cooking, photography and was an avid model railroad enthusiast. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, the former Lola May Beeler; a son, Robert (Judith) of Crystal Lake, IL; a daughter, Susan Wright of Falls Church, VA; four grandchildren, Christian (Emily) of Los Angeles, CA, Ellen McGuyer (Murray) of Los Angeles, CA, Matt Wright of Arlington, VA, Caitlin Wright of Burke, VA and a sister, Shirley Lincoln of Norfolk, VA. He was preceded in death by his parents, Shirley Tucker and Herbert Winfield and his son, Herbert Winfield III. The family will receive friends at PUMPHREY'S COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME, 300 West Montgomery Avenue (Rte 28 just off I-270, exit 6-A) Rockville, MD on Friday, January 12, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 PM. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 520 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD on Saturday, January 13, at 10:30 AM. In lieu of flowers contributions in his memory may be made to the Capital Hospice, 6565 Arlington Blvd., Suite 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 or to the Big Brothers & Big Sisters of McHenry County (BBBS), 4318-B Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, IL 60050. Please view and sign the family guest book at www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com. | Herbert Winfield AKERS, Jr.
28 |
The following obituary appeared in the New Era Journal on Wednesday, December 14, 1904, and was transcribed and available on http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/bedford in 2013:
REV. JESSE R. AKERS. - Died at his home in Everett at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning Dec. 7th. The deceased was born in Bedford county in 1844. His grandfather Uriah Akers came to Bedford county from Loudon county, Va. He and his wife were two of the seven members who established Methodism in that section of the county. The deceased's maternal grandmother was a sister of the grandmother of Abraham Lincoln.
Rev. Akers was at one time in charge of the Second M. E. church of Huntingdon. Two children survive him: Mrs. Margaret Cate, of Michigan, and Herbert Akers, of Youngstown Ohio. The funeral took place at 1 o'clock on Saturday at Everett, Pa.
| Rev. Jesse R. AKERS
29 |
Chuck worked at the Chicago Works of U.S. Steel in Chicago, retiring in 1980. He was in management, writing "How to" training books later in his career. Patty was a schoolteacher, retiring in 1969.
Chuck and Patty lived in Chicago for 40 years, before moving to Dixon, Illinois after his retirement.
The following obituary was published in the online edition of the Quad Cities (Illinois) Dispatch-Argus Leader on September 18, 2008:
Charles L. Alexander, 89, of Bettendorf, died Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008, at Iowa Masonic Home, Bettendorf.
Services are 11 a.m. Saturday at First Evangelical Free Church, Moline. Visitation is 10 a.m. to services at the church. Cremation rites will be accorded.
He was born Oct. 18, 1918, in Chicago, to Robert and Agnes O'Halloran Alexander. He married Patricia Young on Nov. 27, 1951.
Prior to his retirement, he was a foreman for US Steel Company.
He was an avid golfer, enjoyed the outdoors, camping and traveling.
Surviving are his wife; daughter, Joyce Hesse, Bettendorf; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild; sisters, William and George Alexander.
| Charles ("Chuck") Lewis ALEXANDER
30 |
According to Janet Houston Rhein, Nancy was from Browen. | Nancy ALEXANDER
31 |
Alfred (Old English: Ælfred) (849? - 26 October 899) was king of the southern Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex from 871 to 899. Alfred is famous for his defense of the kingdom against the Danes (Vikings), becoming as a result the only English monarch to be awarded the epithet "the Great" by his people. Alfred was the first King of Wessex to style himself "King of England". A learned man, Alfred encouraged education and improved the kingdom's law system. | King Alfred, the Great
32 |
| Leona P. Alko
33 |
According to the 1930 census, Rev. Allen was an Episcopal priest in Charlottesville, Virginia. He adopted Margaret's two children from her prior marriage. | Rev. William E. Allen
34 |
The following obituary appeared in the January 24, 1954 edition of the New York Times:
HINDIN--Sara L., beloved mother of Seymour Hindin and Muriel Geller, dear sister of Doris Medcov, Harry and Morris Altman. Services 2 P.M> today, Sherman's Flatbush Memorial Chapel, 1283 Coney Island Ave. (Avenue J). | Sara Altman
35 |
The following obituary was published on the website of the R.J. Slater IV Funeral Home & Cremation Service (New Kensington, Pennsylvania) and was available in 201(:
Walter J. “Muscle” Alworth, 80, of Lower Burrell, passed away Tuesday, April 9, 2019. He was born November 24, 1938, in New Kensington to the late William and Helen (Hartman) Alworth. Beloved husband to the late Helene J. (Tarr) Alworth. Loving Father of Brad (Chrissy Izydore) Tarr, Lori (Tom Kuhns) Lakatos, and Brian (Amanda Coats) Alworth; and Grandfather of Ashley (Trevor McGaughey) Tarr, Amanda Tarr, Trenton, and Camdyn Lakatos. Great Grandfather of Elizabeth and Charlotte. Brother of William (Dottie) Alworth, Connie (the late Thomas) Hamilton, Ivy Alworth, and many in-laws, nephews, and nieces. Walter lived his whole life in Braeburn and was a life long member and trustee of the Braeburn United Methodist Church. He worked at the Braeburn Steel Mill for 41 years before retiring. His favorite past times were camping, fishing, yard work, and enjoying Friday nights at Lernerville Speedway. Friends and family welcome from 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm., Thursday at RJ SLATER IV FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICE, 1000 Freeport Road, New Kensington, 724-335-0100. Services will be held Friday at 11 am at the funeral home with interment to follow in Greenwood Memorial Park.  www.rjslater.com. | Walter John Alworth
36 |
Joseph and Ann apparently did not have any children. | Joseph H. Amend
37 |
Katharine was the editor of the American Guide Series, which was part of the American Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s. The Guides were very influential in creating an American identity.
Katharine donated her papers to the Library of Congress. The biographical note included with those papers reads as follows:
Biographical Note
Date Event
1892, May 21 Born, Brushton, Pa.
1921-1924 Relief work for American friends Service Committee in Austria, Poland, and
1920s Visiting nurse, Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, New York, N.Y.
Visiting nurse, United States Indian Service, Taos, N.Mex.
1927 Married Harold Kellock (died 1953)
1927-1925 Freelance writer, Washington, D.C.
1935-1936 Worked for Resettlement Administration, Department of Agriculture
1936-1942 Tour editor, American Guide series, Federal Writers' Project, Work Projects
1943 Employed by Bureau of Economic Warfare
Included on a list of individuals named by Martin Dies of the House Committee
on Un-American Activities due to her work with the Federal Writers' Project
1945-1952 Employed by the Department of State, worked on German affairs
1984, March 29 Died, Washington, D.C. | Katharine H. Amend
38 |
William and Ruth apparently did not have any children. | William H. Amend
39 |
Born to Milon Develp Andrus and Margarette Federer. | Bina Levada Andrus
40 |
Thomas was on the Worms City Council in 1478 and was Burgermeister in 1488. | Thomas Antz
41 |
According to a family tree copied from a Johnson family Bible, which is generally believed to be accurate, Phene's surname was Newton; however, it says her given name was Ida and according to the 1880 census, Ida was the given name of her daughter. This family tree is incorrect with respect to Phene.
According to the 1880 census, Henry's wife's given name was "Phene," although the writing is very difficult to read. It could be spelled "Phane", but it was probably just a short form of her given name.
Phene's given name was actually Tryphena Elizabeth and her surname was Arbuthnot. | Tryphena Elizabeth Arbuthnot
42 |
Arnulf I of Flanders (c.890-March 27, 965), known as Arnulf the Great, was the third count of Flanders.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian royal house.
Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.
In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.
The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:
Baldwin III of Flanders
Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Ghent
Egbert, died 953
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guines
Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Through his descendants Matilda of Flanders and Henry I of England, he was an ancestor to the present-day British royal family including Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
| Count Arnulf, of Flanders I
43 |
Arnulf II of Flanders (960 or 961 - March 30, 988) was Count of Flanders from 965 until his death.
He was the son of Baldwin III of Flanders and Matilda of Saxony. Baldwin III died in 962, when Arnulf was just an infant, and with Arnulf's grandfather count Arnulf I of Flanders still alive. When Arnulf I died three years later (965), the regency was held by their kinsman Baldwin Balso.
By the time Arnulf attained his majority in 976, Flanders had lost some of the southern territory acquired by Arnulf I. The latter had given some parts of Picardy to King Lothar of France to help assure his grandson's succession, and gave Boulogne as a fief to another relative. Then early in Arnulf's minority Lothar had taken Ponthieu and given it to Hugh Capet, and the first counts of Guines had established themselves.
He married Rozala of Lombardy, daughter of Berengar II of Italy, and was succeeded by their son, Baldwin IV.
| Arnulf, of Flanders II
44 |
| Charles D. Arthur
45 |
Arthur and his family moved to California by 1922. They lived in Calveras and Hayward, before settling in Eureka, Humboldt Co., and later Modesto California.
The following obituary was published in the March 17, 1957 edition of The San Bernardino County Sun:
Arthur Arthurs, 75, of 320 N. Date St., Rialto, died yesterday afternoon in a San Bernardino hospital. He was a native of Pennsylvania.
A steamfitter, he is survived by the widow, Anna.
Funeral services are pending, with the Ralph W. Allen Funeral Home, Rialto, in charge.
The following story regarding Arthur's funeral was published in the March 20, 1957 edition of The San Bernardino County Sun:
Funeral services for Arthur Arthurs were held yesterday at Ralph Wm. Allen Funeral Home, Rialto, with the Rev. Keith Norris Rholl of Congregational Church, Rialto, officiating.
Organist Mrs. Evelyn Kircher presented with "Abide With Me" and "Lead, Kindly Light."
Pallbearers were G. W. Ashcom, T.N. Bonnsville, E. Blough, A. Dan Houten, R. C. Ashcom and H. E. Adams
Interment was in Motecito Memorial Park. | Arthur Arthurs
46 |
The name Ashcom (and its variants--Ascham, Askham, Ashcomb, Ashcombe, etc.) may either (i) be derived from the villages of East Ascham and West Ascham in Yorkshire, England, or (ii) be a be a compound derivation of "ash," as in the tree, and "comb," which is common word for valley in southeast England.
A Roger de Askam is mentioned as early as 1313. Hammond Askham was Master of Balliol College, Oxford in 1317 and resided in Kirby Wiske, Yorkshire, England. William Askham was Yoeman of York in 1390. William Askham was Lord Mayor of London in 1403. Walter ASkham was Sargeant at Law in 1510.
A Roger Ascham, born 1515, was educated at St. John's College, receiving a B.A. Degree on February 18, 1533. He was admitted to fellowship at St. John's on March 23, 1533, where he was a scholar of Greek and Latin and an accomplished musician. He was know for his beautiful handwriting. He was the author of a number of books and treatises, including, in 1544, a famous treatise on archery and, between 1563 and 1568, his famous "Scholemaster." He became an orator at the Universtiy of Cambridge. Then, in July 1548 he became tutor to Princess Elizabeth. In 1553, he became Latin Secretary to Queen Mary. He married margaret Howe, a niece of Sir Henry Wallop on January 1, 1554. For his service to the Queen, he obtained a grant of Salisbury Hall at Walthamstow, Essex in 1567. A month before he died, he sat up nights to complete a Latin poem which he desired to present to eh Queen on November 17--the anniversary of her accession. He died on December 30, 1568, of a "wasting disease." On hearing of his death, Qeen Elizabeth is reported to have exclaimed that she "would rather have cast L10,000 into the sea, than to have lost her Ashcam." Scholars in England and on the Continent expressed their grief at his death by composing Latin verses to his memory. | ASHCOM
47 |
According to his Birth Certificate, Charles (his given name on his Birth Certificate) was the illegitimate son of Fred Aschom (note spelling), age 22, and Annie Blough, age 20. Annie later married Arthur Arthurs and together they raised Charles with the name "Roy Charles Ashcom".
According to a story in the October 3, 1972 edition of The San Bernardino County Sun, Roy and his wife were married on October 5, 1972 at Grants Pass, Oregon. Roy retired in 1971 from Pacific Fruit Express in Colton and Alice retired from Harris' in Riverside, California.
The following obituary was published in The San Bernardino County Sun on January 26, 1988:
Roy Ashcom
RIALTO--Roy Charles Ashcom, 81, a Rialto resident since 1951, died Jan. 23, 1988, in San Bernardino.
He was born in Johnstown, Pa.
He worked for 26 years for Pacific Fruit Express in Colton, where he retired as plant manager in 1971.
He is survived by his wife, Alice M. Ashcom of Rialto; son, Roy E. Ashcom and his wife, Arlyne of Rancho Mirage; daughters, Barbara Corley and her husband, Loyd of Bloomington, Marilyn Van Houten and her husband, Arthur of Palmdale; daughters-in law, Gladys Ashcom of Fieldbrook, Calif, and Dorothy Ashcom of Colton; 15 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and five great-great grandchildren. Graveside service and interment at 11 a.m. today at Montecito Memorial Park in Colton.
McNearney Family Mortuary and Rialto Chapel directing. | "Roy" Charles ASHCOM
48 |
The following obituary was published in the September 3, 1948 edition of the Daily News (Huntingdon, Pennsylvania):
Miss Ada Ashcom
Miss Ada Ashcom of New York City, who died in that city on August 26, 1948, was buried this Friday afternoon in the Everett Cemetery. Burial was made at three o'clock, directed by Huff's funeral service.
Miss Ashcom was born in Hopewell on April 24, 1863, a daughter of Charles Wesley and Mary Ann (Smith) Ashcom. During the early years of her life she lived in Everett but resided for many years in New York City.
She was the last surviving member of her family.
Miss Ashcom was an active member of the Christian Science Church.
The funeral service was held in New York City.
49 |
Alexander's wife, Pamelia, filed a War of 1812 Pension Application on June 5 1878, stating that he served on board the schooner "Adelaide" commanded by Capt. Stafford. The application was rejected in 1879.
The following death notice was transcribed and available on Ancestry.com in a Family Tree compiled by username MaryAnnVoss in 2013:
Baltimore Sunpaper-13 Aug 1858: On the 11th instant. of paralysis, ALEXANDER ASHCOM, in the 70th year of age. [St. Mary's county papers please copy.] Relatives/friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on this (Friday) morning,141 Bank St.
The following death notice was published in the August 13, 1858 edition of The Baltimore Sun:
"Death. An announcement was made yesterday morning of the arrival of the pilot boat Fashion, bringing with it Mr. Alexander Ashcom, one of the oldest pilots of Baltimore, who had been paralyzed at Cape Henry. He died on Wednesday night about midnight. His funeral will take place to-day at 10 o'clock at his late residence. Mr. Ashcom was for nearly fifty years connected with the navigation of the Chesapeake. During the war he performed acceptable and daring services. He was one of the links which connected the past age with the future. In respect to his memory we noticed that two vessels yesterday had their flags at half mast. Capt. Norvel, of the ship Robert C. Winthrop, did not forget his old pilot; nor did Capt. Crosby, of the bark Cochituate, whose flags were placed at half mast."
According to a post on rootweb.com in 2001, Alexander is buried in Baltimore Cemetery. He death notice says he was stricken with paralysis on board the pilot boat Fashion. He was reported to be one of the oldest pilots belonging to the port. Buried in the same plot is Sam Ashcom (Alexander's son or father), who died in Virginia, but whose body was brought to Baltimore and buried in June of 1869.
Information regarding Alexander and his wife Pamela and their children and grandchildren was obtained from Family Trees on Ancestry.com posted by Barbara Ponzio and MaryAnnVoss. This information needs to be confirmed. This source will not be repeated. | Alexander ASHCOM
50 |
According to the 1930 census, Alvin was raised (adopted) by William and Minerva from the Christian Home, and, thus, was not their natural child. | Alvin Curtis ASHCOM