Johnson Hindin Genealogy

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  • Gender  Male 
    Person ID  I6652  Johnson Hindin Tree
    Last Modified  9 Dec 2017 

     1. Meyer CHARAPP
     2. Moss Charapp
    Family ID  F2725  Group Sheet

  • Notes 
    • According to numerous documents referenced in the notes of individuals in the Charapp descendancy, the Charapps were from Neterpince. The documents variously describe Neterpince as being in Austria, Austria-Hungary, Poland and Galacia.

      According to the ShtetlSeeker on, the Jewish community of Neterpin'tse was located at latitude and longitude +49° 43' 59.88", +25° 21' 0.00" (,25.3500+(Neterpin'tse)). This puts the town in today's Ukraine, about 250 miles due east of Krawkow, Poland--100 miles east of the border of Poland.

      In 1900, the best description for the location of Neterpin'tse was probably Galacia--the full offical name of this Austrian province being: the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, and the Grand Duchy of Krakau with the Duchies of Auschwitz and Zator. However, the political situation was very fluid at his time. See:

      Thus, it is no wonder that the Charapp's identified themselves with various nationalities upon coming to the United States.