Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Alexandra Pryor


Personal Information    |    Notes    |    All    |    PDF

  • Gender  Female 
    Person ID  I11790  Johnson Hindin Tree
    Last Modified  18 May 2013 

    Family  Gregory KLEMMER 
    Family ID  F5014  Group Sheet

  • Notes 
    • Alexandra co-founded in 2005 a spinning studio in Wellsley, Massachusetts called Spynergy. The following profile was taken from their website in 2013:

      A co-founder of Spynergy, Alex rides outdoors and has always worked out, but was initially a little intimidated by indoor cycling. Since jumping headlong into it, she has never looked back. She now cycles four times a week, is totally hooked, and has reached a new level of fitness. Her classes are about music and energy….she loves finding new music and is constantly on the lookout. Classes are typically all-terrain rides, she likes to mix things up and move around the bike. Whether you are an avid cyclist or a beginner, you will find her classes challenging and motivating…come give it a shot!