Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Dates and Anniversaries

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Event: Day: Month: Year: Keyword (ie, "Abt"):  


Matches 1 to 12 of 12

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Born   Person ID   Tree 
1 Lauth, Barbara  8 Nov 1822Obersteinbach, Alsace Find all individuals with events at this location I10227 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 DAUENHAUER, Gustave  8 Nov 1845Nothweiler, Pfalz, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location I475 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 ROHRKASTE, F. William  8 Nov 1854South Side, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I786 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 McFarland, Francis H.  8 Nov 1878Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I10744 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Bruer, Karl  8 Nov 1890 I3661 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Schick, Eva  8 Nov 1894Russia Find all individuals with events at this location I4589 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Donegan, Estella Marie  8 Nov 1902Niles, Trumbull, OH Find all individuals with events at this location I9900 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Schaeffer, Otto  8 Nov 1902 I4722 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 HINDIN, Seymour  8 Nov 1917New York, New York Find all individuals with events at this location I490 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 PECK, Robert  8 Nov 1925St. Regis Falls, New York Find all individuals with events at this location I2342 Johnson Hindin Tree 
11 MONTABON, Charles  8 Nov 1954 I536 Johnson Hindin Tree 
12 SMITH, Martin Haver  8 Nov 1954LaSalle, IL Find all individuals with events at this location I594 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 KINDELBERGER, Peter  8 Nov 1670Switzerland Find all individuals with events at this location I2755 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Eberhar[d]t, Friedrich  8 Nov 1878Neudorf, (Karamanova), Tiraspol Cherson, Ukraine Find all individuals with events at this location I3624 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Harvey, Robert J.P.  8 Nov 1938 I7892 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Clinger, Lucy Elizabeth  8 Nov 1946Provo, Utah, Utah Find all individuals with events at this location I2520 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Guthmiller, Fredrick  8 Nov 1958Ridgecrest, San Benardino, California Find all individuals with events at this location I3291 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Kirschenmann, Gideon  8 Nov 1971Stutsman County, North Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I4666 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Sparka, Charles Fred  8 Nov 1977Ft. Thomas, Campbell Co., Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location I8903 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Toye, Hugh Smith Morrison  8 Nov 1989 I7761 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Toye, Hugh Smith Morrison  8 Nov 1989 I8094 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 Schutz, Ella  8 Nov 1999Belle Fourche, , Butte, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I4387 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID   Tree 
1 Kirschenmann, August  8 Nov 1984Hosmer Cemetery, Edmunds, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3525 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Married   Person ID   Tree 
1 Gaisendorf, Katharina  8 Nov 1855Glueckstal Find all individuals with events at this location I3725 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Guthmiller, Johann Ludwig  8 Nov 1855Glueckstal Find all individuals with events at this location I3724 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Eberhar[d]t, Dorothea  8 Nov 1883Glueckstal, (Glinnoi), Tiraspol Cherson, Ukraine Find all individuals with events at this location I3700 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Schauer, Ludwig  8 Nov 1883Glueckstal, (Glinnoi), Tiraspol Cherson, Ukraine Find all individuals with events at this location I3716 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Guthmiller, Katherine  8 Nov 1914McPherson County, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3498 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Spitzer, Fred F.  8 Nov 1914McPherson County, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I4166 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 HIBEL, Janet  8 Nov 1987Palm Beach, FL Find all individuals with events at this location I1235 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 TARPELl, Alan Jay  8 Nov 1987Palm Beach, FL Find all individuals with events at this location I1231 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Budischak, Adrian Leigh  8 Nov 2014Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I13709 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 Rodney, Pauly  8 Nov 2014Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I13722 Johnson Hindin Tree