Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Dates and Anniversaries

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Event: Day: Month: Year: Keyword (ie, "Abt"):  


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Born   Person ID   Tree 
1 Hutzli, Catharine  21 Jun 1562 I5196 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Uelliger, Marie  21 Jun 1607 I5163 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Kirschenmann, Christian  21 Jun 1836Neudorf, (Karamanova), Tiraspol Cherson, Ukraine Find all individuals with events at this location I4414 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Guthmiller, Johann  21 Jun 1861Neudorf, Odessa, South Russia Find all individuals with events at this location I3397 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 STOLTE, Ludwig Friedrich  21 Jun 1868East Birmingham (South Side), Pittsburgh, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I811 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Endlich, Martha Elizabert  21 Jun 1911Creighton, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I6832 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Hahn, Richard K.  21 Jun 1924 I11219 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Dean, Mary Eleanor  21 Jun 1931 I7274 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Daschbach, Raymond  21 Jun 1950 I10611 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 WINEBRENNER, Anna Jane  21 Jun 1952Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1571 Johnson Hindin Tree 
11 Sadgrove, Ann Marie  21 Jun 1966 I7541 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 Huber, Hans Georg  21 Jun 1746Pirmasens, Pfalz, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location I5396 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Guyer, Herbert A.  21 Jun 1889Bellwood, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I6898 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Conklin, William Calson  21 Jun 1922Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location I6760 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Siffermann, Margaritha  21 Jun 1925Canada Find all individuals with events at this location I4798 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 RUBENSTEIN, Max Harry  21 Jun 1967Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1129 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 HINDIN, Benjamin  21 Jun 1981Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I17 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 DAUENHAUER, Ellsworth U.  21 Jun 1986Arlington, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location I621 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 GRIFFIS, Jean Louise  21 Jun 1988Waldo, Florida Find all individuals with events at this location I1595 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID   Tree 
1 Raile, Dorothea  21 Jun 1982St. Francis, Cheyenne, Kansas Find all individuals with events at this location I3759 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 12 of 12

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Married   Person ID   Tree 
1 ASHCOM, Charles H.  21 Jun 1855Queen Anne's Co., Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location I1464 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 GOULD, Elenora Maria  21 Jun 1855Queen Anne's Co., Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location I1470 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 EVERHART, Clara Thatcher  21 Jun 1893 I12703 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Smith, Frank Marshall  21 Jun 1893 I12707 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Dickey, Orpha  21 Jun 1907Blairsville, Indiana Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I8440 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Swope, Orin Osborn  21 Jun 1907Blairsville, Indiana Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I8416 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 ROHRKASTE, Lucille Sophia  21 Jun 1911Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I6484 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Stephens, John F.  21 Jun 1911Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I11566 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Clarke, Thomas Torrens  21 Jun 1934Aghadowey Presbyterian Church Find all individuals with events at this location I7215 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 Wilson, Margaret  21 Jun 1934Aghadowey Presbyterian Church Find all individuals with events at this location I7214 Johnson Hindin Tree 
11 HOUSTON (HUSTON), Janet Anne  21 Jun 1952St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1978 Johnson Hindin Tree 
12 RHEIN, Joseph Philip  21 Jun 1952St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1979 Johnson Hindin Tree