Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Dates and Anniversaries

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Event: Day: Month: Year: Keyword (ie, "Abt"):  


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Born   Person ID   Tree 
1 Reller, Ulrich  17 Nov 1560 I5195 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Colling, Louisa Josephine  17 Nov 1859Birmingham, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I10001 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Kimberly, William Henry  17 Nov 1875Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I10636 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Trimbur, Mary Catherine  17 Nov 1884Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I9820 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 McGrady, Stella Agnes  17 Nov 1896Clearfield Twp., Butler, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I9719 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Harbison, Caroline  17 Nov 1897Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I10840 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Spitzer, Christina  17 Nov 1897Reliance, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3702 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Heckenlaible, Johanna  17 Nov 1911 I4118 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 FERGUSON, Scott Andrew  17 Nov 1956Chicago, IL Find all individuals with events at this location I579 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 Beuther, Rev. Johann Casimier Jr.  17 Nov 1694 I2785 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Hofmann, Johann Ludwig  17 Nov 1763 I5391 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Duckworth, Alice M.  17 Nov 1957Los Angeles County, CA Find all individuals with events at this location I10587 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Sonnerfelt, WILHELMINA  17 Nov 1980 I8412 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 BEALL, Melva Dorcas  17 Nov 1984Seattle, Washington Find all individuals with events at this location I2075 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Breitag, Clemens Arnold  17 Nov 1984Yuba County, California Find all individuals with events at this location I4477 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 CHARAPP, Rose  17 Nov 2001Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1244 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Schenk, Nellie Mae  17 Nov 2005Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I10970 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Butler, Gregory William  17 Nov 2015Chadron, Dawes Co., Nebraska Find all individuals with events at this location I13914 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Married   Person ID   Tree 
1 Kuchler, Anna Maria  17 Nov 1795Bebelsheim, Saarpfalz-Kreis, Saarland, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location I12890 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Langenbahn, Nickolaus  17 Nov 1795Bebelsheim, Saarpfalz-Kreis, Saarland, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location I12889 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Karns, Rev. Charles Wesley  17 Nov 1890 I13105 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Wolfe, Ida May  17 Nov 1890 I13107 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 BREWSTER, Abraham H.  17 Nov 1902Terrace Row Presbyterian Church, Coleraine, Northern Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location I1612 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 WOODBURN, Agnes Wilson  17 Nov 1902Terrace Row Presbyterian Church, Coleraine, Northern Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location I989 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Guthmiller, Herbert F.  17 Nov 1946Hope Lutheran Church near Hosmer Find all individuals with events at this location I4079 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Schaible, Edna M  17 Nov 1946Hope Lutheran Church near Hosmer Find all individuals with events at this location I4436 Johnson Hindin Tree