Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Dates and Anniversaries

Enter date components to see matching events. Leave a field blank to see matches for all.

Event: Day: Month: Year: Keyword (ie, "Abt"):  


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Born   Person ID   Tree 
1 Louis, King the Stammerer  1 Nov 846 I5576 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 GRUENY, Maria Dorothea  1 Nov 1715Rumbach, Pfaltz, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location I2681 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Dauenhauer, Johann Jacob  1 Nov 1756 I5385 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Dauenhauer, Maria Katharina  1 Nov 1759 I5366 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Guthmiller, Jacob  1 Nov 1871Neudorf Find all individuals with events at this location I3252 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 McAllister, Annie  1 Nov 1872 I7729 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Cross, Sherman Marshall  1 Nov 1896Hillsboro, Hill Co., Texas Find all individuals with events at this location I9443 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 WOODBURN, Susan Grace  1 Nov 1916Dayton, Campbell Co., Kentucky Find all individuals with events at this location I8904 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 Pierce, John W.  1 Nov 1920Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Find all individuals with events at this location I10361 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 Petzold, Lois  1 Nov 1937 I6654 Johnson Hindin Tree 
11 McKee, Michael John  1 Nov 1942 I7515 Johnson Hindin Tree 
12 Howley, Diane  1 Nov 1955Irwin, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I9375 Johnson Hindin Tree 
13 Steen, Benjamin  1 Nov 1990 I8207 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 MCCORMiCK, Rachel  1 Nov 1967Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I1967 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Bertsch, Edwin  1 Nov 1981Eureka, McPherson, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3344 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Nusz, Ella Helena  1 Nov 1981 I4762 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Guthmiller, Friedrich  1 Nov 1989Roscoe, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3180 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Leibbrandt, Arlis Elizabeth  1 Nov 2000Denver, Colorado USA Find all individuals with events at this location I4092 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 Guthmiller, John George  1 Nov 2003East Grand Forks, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location I4004 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Aman, Norma  1 Nov 2004South Dakota Heart Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Find all individuals with events at this location I3583 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 Brughelli, Laura  1 Nov 2009Modesto, Stanislaus, California Find all individuals with events at this location I9985 Johnson Hindin Tree 


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Married   Person ID   Tree 
1 BEALL, Deborah  1 Nov 1816Baltimore, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location I2039 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 DASHIEL, George Warren  1 Nov 1816Baltimore, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location I2043 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 ASHCOM, Sarah Adelaide  1 Nov 1928Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I6916 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Johnson, Wilhelm Paul  1 Nov 1928Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I9350 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 STOMBAUGH, Mary Louise  1 Nov 1941Coopersdale, Cambria Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I2327 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 WAGNER, Leighton A.  1 Nov 1941Coopersdale, Cambria Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location I2328 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 DEWALT, Debra Jo  1 Nov 1975 I124 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 MALENKY, Arthur Richard  1 Nov 1975 I126 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 FARMIN, William Arlow  1 Nov 1998Broward Co., Florida Find all individuals with events at this location I6864 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 Vaughn, Deanna Ann  1 Nov 1998Broward Co., Florida Find all individuals with events at this location I6868 Johnson Hindin Tree