Johnson Hindin Genealogy

Suggestions for using this site: Click “Johnson-Hindin Genealogy,” above, to go to the Home Page. Click the “Ancestors” tab below to see a pedigree chart. (If no ancestors appear in the chart, see if the person has a spouse by clicking the blue down arrow, and then click the “Ancestors” tab.) In the pedigree chart, click the blue down arrow to see a person’s family and click the gold right arrow to see more ancestors. Click the “Descendants” tab, below, then the “Register Format” option for a good descendancy report.

Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania



Matches 1 to 22 of 22

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID   Tree 
1 BAUER, Helen Elizabeth  3 Jun 1995Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I652 Johnson Hindin Tree 
2 Baumann, Dorothy E.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I9359 Johnson Hindin Tree 
3 Baynham, Ruth L.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I10857 Johnson Hindin Tree 
4 Boehmer, Herbert William  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I10906 Johnson Hindin Tree 
5 Brunozzi, Elizabeth Patricia  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I2465 Johnson Hindin Tree 
6 DAUENHAUER, Frederick  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I2629 Johnson Hindin Tree 
7 Ertzman, Bessie O.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I10711 Johnson Hindin Tree 
8 GREEN, Bertha Anna  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I80 Johnson Hindin Tree 
9 GREEN, Laura M.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I248 Johnson Hindin Tree 
10 JOHNSON, Donald Paul  11 Oct 1995Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I2 Johnson Hindin Tree 
11 LEECH, Richard Charles  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I109 Johnson Hindin Tree 
12 Lennon, Alfred E.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I10715 Johnson Hindin Tree 
13 MCKEETON, Paul Pranz  20 Nov 2002Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I47 Johnson Hindin Tree 
14 Reed, Marjorie Marie  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I6882 Johnson Hindin Tree 
15 Rostauscher, Frederick G.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I2605 Johnson Hindin Tree 
16 SCHNAUBELT, Michael  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I2466 Johnson Hindin Tree 
17 Schwartz, Clara D.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I13680 Johnson Hindin Tree 
18 STOLTE, Frederick  8 Mar 1984Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I642 Johnson Hindin Tree 
19 THORN, Charlotte F.  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I266 Johnson Hindin Tree 
20 THORN, Harry Michael Lewis  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I264 Johnson Hindin Tree 
21 THORN, Harry Walter  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I9333 Johnson Hindin Tree 
22 THORN, Kenneth Norman  Jefferson Memorial Cemetery, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania I265 Johnson Hindin Tree