Johnson Hindin Genealogy

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Matches 101 to 150 of 665

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   Source ID   Title, Author 
101 S55 According to the 1860 census, Annie was born in 1859. According to Mrs. Annie Ashcom Kelley (DAR ID Number: 64153) in Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.); The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 65, page 53, Annie was born in Hopewell, PA.
102 S41 According to the 1860 Census, Robert was 6 in 1860.
103 S52 According to the 1860 census.
104 S9 According to the 1870 and the 1900 censuses, Jacob was born in Germany. According to the 1900 census, Jacob was born in December 1842.
105 S43 According to the 1870 census, Brownlee was born in Ohio. According to his son Franklin's death certificate, Brownlee was born in Pittsburgh, PA.
106 S10 According to the 1870 census.
107 S452 According to the 1920 census.
108 S40 According to the Application for Social Security Account Number signed by Benjamin Hindin on May 21, 1942, Benjamin's mother's name was Bertha Maizel.
109 S86 According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, NI, William was born on February 15, 1871 on Railway Place, Colerine, NI.
110 S378 According to the Certificate of Marriage of Benjamin Hindin and Sarah Charapp.
111 S79 According to the death certificate of Margaret's son Jacob.
112 S92 According to the Garvagh Register.
113 S80 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Isabella was born on February 23, 1864. The IGI also shows an Isabella Browne Woodburne being born to a Mathew Wood Woodburne and Isabella Brown on Nov 23, 1864. These records cannot be reconciled. According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, Isabella Browne was born on November 23, 1864 on North Brook Street, Coleraine, NI.
114 S33 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Matthew was born in 1829. According to his son Robert Riley's death certificate, Matthew was born in Ireland. He was married to Isabel Brown. According to his granddaughter, Nancy Gosser Rosenblatt, Matthew was from Colerain, Ireland. The IGI shows a Matthew and Isabella Woodburn living in Londonderry, Coleraine, N. Ireland with their family in the 1860's and 1870's.
115 S88 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, Agnes Wilson was born on August 30,1867 on North Brook Street, Colerine, NI.
116 S85 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, Matthew Wood was born on March 25, 1866 on North Brook Street, Coleraine, NI.
117 S90 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, NI, Alexander was born on May 30, 1873 on Railway Place, Colerine, NI.
118 S82 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. According to the birth record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from the town of Coleraine, NI, Janette was born on May 31, 1872 on Railway Place, Colerine, NI.
119 S81 According to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.
120 S137 According to the LDS Ancestral File submitted by Areta Blake, Provo, UT, Mary was born in St. Mary's Co., Maryland. According to Debra Lynn (Thompson) Broomfield (, Mary was born in Prince George's Co., Maryland.
121 S400 According to the marriage record obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from Terrace Row Presbyterian Church.
122 S381 According to the marriage record obtained from The Genealogy Centre, Derry, N.I. Also, according to the International Genealogical Index (IGI) of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.
123 S299 According to the marriage record of William's son, John Browne, obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from Terrace Row Presbyterian Church.
124 S300 According to the marriage record or Jame's son, James, obtained by The Genealogy Centre, Derry, NI, from Terrace Row Presbyterian Church.
125 S379 According to the marriage records of the First Garvagh Presbyterian Church, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland, obtained from The Genealogy Centre, Heritage Library, 14 Bishop Street, Derry, N. Ireland, BT4869W.
126 S5 According to the obituary in the July 31, 1913 edition of the Pittsburgh Dispatch, Michael was 68 years old when he died, meaning that he was born in 1845. His death certificate too indicates that he was "about 68;" however, given that Michael's son John, who gave the information for the death certificate did not even know his mother's name, and did not sign the death certificate, the death certificate is likely wrong. Thus, the census information on which the 1851 date is based is probably correct although is is difficult to understand such a significant discrepancy.
127 S388 According to the obituary of Sarah Smelker Ashcom, she was married to John Aschom. It appears that John first married Sarah Smelker soon after Sarah's arrival in Johnstown in 1841. However, at the time of her death in 1904, Sarah had been living with her son Charles for "some thirty years". This suggests that John and Sarah were separated/divorced in the 1870's. Sarah's obituary does not indicate a divorce, but it does say that John died in New Florence in 1898.
128 S709 According to the Passport Application filed by Jozef Charapp on March 23, 1925, Bessie was born on August 6, 1880.
129 S1 According to the State of New York Certificate and Record of Birth of Barnett "Benjamin" Hindin No. 28977, Benjamin was born on June 26, 1898 at 224 Cherry Street, New York, New York. According to the Application for Social Security Account Number signed by Benjamin Hindin on May 21, 1942, Benjamin's birthdate was June 26, 1898.
130 S39 According to the State of New York Certificate and Record of Birth of Bertha's son, Barnett Hindin (No. 28977), Bertha's is shown to have been 38 years old on June 26, 1898.
131 S14 According to the State of New York Certificate and Record of Birth of Solomon's son, Barnett Hindin (No. 28977), Solomon was 40 years old on June 26, 1898.
132 S13 According to the the Application for Marriage License filed in Allegheny County, PA and signed by Bessie's daughter, Sarah, on May 25, 1925, Bessie was born in Kovno, Russia.
133 S12 According to the the Application for Marriage License filed in Allegheny County, PA and signed by Joseph's daughter, Sarah, on May 25, 1925, Joseph (also spelled Jozef) was born in Neterpince, Poland.
134 S7 According to tombstone in Zion Cemetary, Whitehall, PA/
135 S49 According to W. Thomas Hall, P.O. Box395, Kailua Hawaii 96734,
136 S50 According to W. Thomas Hall, P.O. Box395, Kailua Hawaii 96734, According to the 1860 census, Edward was 15 in 1860.
137 S96 According to WFT, v. 6, No. 2952.
138 S222 According to Whisler, James B., "Bedford County, Pennsylvania, Archives," Apollo (1985), p. 34, citing the "Bedford Gazette", June 19, 1847.
139 S237 According to Whisler, James B., "Bedford County, Pennsylvania, Archives," Apollo (1989), v.5, pp 127-28.
140 S343 According to, as of July 21, 2000.
141 S342 According as of July 21, 2000.
142 S759 Agahdowdey Presbyterian Church Graveyard Records
143 S605 AHSGR Genealogy Family Group Card
144 S887 AL death index
145 S671 Albert Buchheit on
146 S1004 Alice McIlrath
147 S357 All information concerning George and his descendants came from: Brian L. Cartwright, 9339 S. Whitt Dr., Manassas Park VA 20111, Tel: 703-330-9673; on October 1, 2000.
148 S372 All information regarding Clarissa and her descendants was obtained from Lucia Bailey ( This source will not be repeated.
149 S691 All information regarding Ethel and her descendants was obtained from the website of Doug and Julie Bolton at on February 11, 2007. Their email address is: . This source will not be repeated.
150 S349 All information regarding Thomas Brook and his descendants were obtained from Mackenzie, George Norbury, ed. Colonial Families of the United States of America. New York:1907, the full text of which was found on on July 22, 2000. This source contains extensive information on the Brooke Family, back to the 1500's. This source will not be repeated.

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